LGBTQ Legal Matters
Many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) individuals and couples encounter legal problems, issues and questions unique to their sexual orientation or gender identity. At other times, LGBTQ persons may simply prefer to discuss their not so unique legal needs with an attorney who understands and can relate to their status. In either case, we have the expertise, years of experience and inside knowledge to answer your questions and help you.

The legal landscape for LGBTQ persons changes constantly, and some legal issues affecting LGBTQ individuals and couples change almost daily. Some of these issues include:
Estate planning (including wills, powers of attorney, living wills)
Real estate purchases
Adoptions (including adopting your spouse’s or partner’s child)
Family relations (including pre-nuptial agreements, marriage & divorce, civil unions and domestic partnerships)
Discrimination or harassment in employment, housing or places of public accommodation due to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, HIV status, familial status
Relationship recognition throughout the United States and around the world
Identity documents and health care for transgender persons
Leslie Farber has been a legal voice for the LGBTQ community for many years. She has been a speaker and panelist at several LGBTQ conferences. She has published works on transgender legal issues. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the LGBT Rights Section of the NJ State Bar Association and a member of the Essex County LGBTQ Advisory Board. Click here for a more extensive listing of her involvement and work with the LGBTQ community.